Use "primogeniture|primogenitures" in a sentence

1. Here then emerges the historical difficulty of Primogeniture.

2. Firms that rely on primogeniture, he notes, perform poorly.

3. Then Victoria was made Crown Princess to recognise the principles of equal primogeniture.

4. In a kind of republican primogeniture, autocratic leaders groom their sons to succeed them.

5. At this time heirs were not selected exclusively through primogeniture, but by election.

6. It implied, first, primogeniture amongst males, i.e. inheritance by the eldest son, if there was one.

7. Synonyms for Birthrights include heritage, patrimonies, inheritance, rights, dues, bequests, legacies, primogeniture, privilege and prerogatives

8. But despite its drawbacks, primogeniture did offer a rule of thumb that commanded widespread respect.

9. Informal tests of this proposition are conducted by considering primogeniture and urban growth as proxies for wealth stability.

10. So primogeniture was not automatically accepted; and where it was, it could create problems of a rather different sort.

11. The practice of primogeniture was a good way to keep wealth-and its polygamy potential-intact through the generations.

12. In principle, the title of emperor was transmitted from father to son via primogeniture, as endorsed by Confucianism.

13. The British legal system of primogeniture and entail guaranteed that a family's landholdings would be wholly retained by its heirs.

14. Why does he go against the traditional Ancient Near Eastern practice of primogeniture, inheritance by the first born?

15. The Tea Partyers and talk-show hosts who define the new Republican Party believe in the opposite of primogeniture.

16. In 2009, the mode of inheritance of the throne was once more changed, this time into an absolute primogeniture.

17. Upon the death of Richard's father prior to the death of Edward III, Richard, by primogeniture, became the heir Apparentto the throne.

18. By imperial proclamation at the wedding, Gustav was given the additional surname "Krupp," which was to be inherited by primogeniture along with the company.

19. More than to a strong primogeniture the custom of giving Appanages points to a custom where sons are expected some piece of the cake.

20. The title continues with agnatic primogeniture and Salic law like the order of succession in the House of Hanover and in the House of Liechtenstein.

21. In this agreement, they acknowledged any of his legitimate daughters as the rightful Queen of Bohemia, Hungary and Croatia, and Archduchess of Austria – a break from the tradition of agnatic primogeniture.

22. On his deathbed Richard named John as his heir, although by the law of primogeniture Arthur, the son of an older brother, Geoffrey, should have succeeded him.

23. The causes that the primogeniture was carried out in property by the nobles in the medieval Western Europe was not only in the interest of the Over Lord.

24. As well as ending male primogeniture, the Prime Minister hopes to open the way for members of the Royal Family who marry a Roman Catholic being able to succeed to the Crown.

25. In Duby's view, this meant that until the late twelfth century, elite French families passed on property by strict primogeniture wherever possible as a way of asserting a linear, patrilineal identity that Duby referred to as ' Agnatic '

26. The inheritence for some reason skips her over, because despite having a queen as the starting ruler of this dynasty for some unknown reason, the law is set to Agnatic primogeniture by default regardless of any and all of the cultural heritage of this nation that I …

27. As we have seen that the principal cause of the Absenteeisms of our wealthiest proprietors is primogeniture, it follows that the moral and political evils of their absence are, from the very circumstance that produces it, their great wealth, much less than would be the effects if their properties were divided, and all the members of the family